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csütörtök, június 21

via Arad

EuropaMadridbol Budapestre. Ez a kivihas napok ota kicsit negativ izgalomban tart minket. Ma megszuletett a valasz: busszal irany Romania! Tudniillik a latin nyelvet beszelo romanok ezrevel dolgoznak Spanyolorszagban, ezert Bukarestbe naponta tobb busz megy oda-vissza. Ezzel szemben egyaltalan nincs direkt jarat Budapestre, Pozsonyba es Becsbe sem. Az ut Aradig 45 ora (benne ket remek ejszaka). Megprobalunk leszallni Magyarorszagon, bar az irodakukacok szerint ha a nevsorba egyszer bevettek, akkor Romaniaig nem engednek le. Tulszabalyozott idiota EU, az iranytaxi es a puszta kozepen megallo busz Boliviaban kismillioszor hatekonyabb! ... and I just wanna go back back back....

You guys from the States take a quick look at the map of Europe. The challenge to get from Madrid to Budapest keeps us busy in the last few days. Finally, we booked a bus ticket to Romania. Since they speak a Latin language they can pick up Spanish relatively easily therefore thousands and thousands of people work in Spain since Romania joined the EU this January. Buses go daily each way. On the contrary, there is no direct bus to Hungary, Austria or Slovakia, none. Our destination is Arad, the city closest to the border and the trip will take 45 hours, including two hardcore nights. We plan to get off the bus at the border or somewhere in Hungary but the office guys say it is impossible. Once you are on the list of passengers they should deliver you like a pig. No "esquina" or "parada" (corner/stop) what people shout in South America and the buses stop wherever you want. Oh my goodness, that is so much more effective than stupid EU rules and paperworks ...and I just wanna go back back back....


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