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vagy északra? nu, utazunk az tuti :-) Ez egy utinaplo a deli felteken valo csavargasrol es van egy kulon fotogaleriank:

hétfő, június 18


real madridHat igen, ahogy Vasi is jelezte, tokeletes idozites. Joseval a "Medve es az eperfa" nevu szobornal beszeltuk meg a talalkozot. Meg ki sem jottunk a metrobol, mikor mar hallottuk a lelkes rajongok udvozleset. Kicsit meg is lepodtunk, milyen sokan vannak. Aztan jott az igazi meglepetes. A teljes Real Madrid csapat is eljott koszonteni minket. Ott integettek nekunk egy erkelyrol, es meg egy nagy fenyes soroskupat is hoztak. Igazan aranyos sracok. Mondjuk a DJ pocsek volt, folyamatosan a we are the championst jatszotta :))

As Iron said the timing was just perfect to arrive to Madrid. We had a rendez-vous with Jose at the statue of the "The Bear and The Strawberry Tree". We were still in the underground when we heard the celebrating crowd. It was a surprise how many people came to greet us. And then the bigest surprise. On a balcony the whole team of Real Madrid was also waving to us. They also brought a big shiny cup (guess for the beer) with them. So sweet welcome. By the way, the DJ was shit cause he played only the song "we are the champions" :))


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