Milford Sounds

A visszafelé út sima ügy volt, föleg mivel hárman átstoppoltuk a húzós részt. Az Invercargill-be vezeto út elég mávosra sikeredett, megálltunk fünél, fánál, bokornál. Ilyen volt a The Chasm, ami egy aranyos kis vizesés, egy barlang, és néhány tengerparti rész, ahonnan még a Stuart szigetet is látni lehetett. A nap végére a memoriakártyánk is meghülyült és odalett több mint 100 kép. Ezek maradtak.
Hollyford hut gave us another chilly morning, so in less than 20 minutes we where on our way to Milford Sound. The way itself made emotions, wherewer you look there are whaterfalls, every single mountain is covered with small creeks. Another strong emotion was simply fear - fear of the way back, considering the fact that our car simply hates steep roads. Sarah gave a good summary about our feelings - holy shit - and we agreed. At the moment of arrival everything was gone and what remained was beauty. If we can't get back we will simply stay and enjoy the view of the fjord and the mountains with a scarf made by lazy clouds. One of the most remarkable things I've ever seen. Thanks to the underwater observatory we had the chance to see its unique underwater life. The special conditions - 7m rain/year, quiet water, cold and relatively dark lights - are producing deepwater life in this shallow water. We saw black corals by the way they are white, red corals which are pink and some divers cleaning the outside part of the windows. Whats your profession? Deepwater window cleaner :P
We managed our way back - 3 of us hitching through the hardest part. Then heading to Invercargill just as a hop on hop of tourbus. Stops at The Chasm, the limestone caves, couple of bays facing Stuart Island. At the end of this long day our memory stick went crazy so we lost more than 100 photos. Enjoy the rest.
At 08:20,
Unknown said…
hi Guys! I will send you a message in ...couple of days!:)We are in Coromandel now! keep in touch Agnieszka i Jacek
At 08:51,
petracsek said…
hey, we have just seen some penguins at Oamaru :) enjoy your trip and put some posts in English, please... Roxanne!
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