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vagy északra? nu, utazunk az tuti :-) Ez egy utinaplo a deli felteken valo csavargasrol es van egy kulon fotogaleriank:

szerda, március 21

Chile a terkepen

ChileChile oslakosai a Mapuche indianok, akik a deli reszeken meg ma is elnek. A spanyol gyarmatorszag 1818-ban lett fuggetlen. 6435 km tengerpartja van, es az eszaki reszen levo Atacama sivatag a vilag egyik legszarazabb terulete. De mindezeknel sokkal izgalmasabb, hogy itt minden Chile terkepen rajta vannak az antarktiszi teruletek!
1961 ota van eletben az Antarctic Treaty, eszerint Ausztralia, Norvegia, az Egyesult Kiralysag es Franciaorszag rendelkezik teruletekkel. Viszont Argentina, Chile es Uj-Zeland is szeretne jegtablakat meg mindenfele kincset, ami alatta van. De az USA es Oroszorszag egyetertese nelkul ezeket nem kapjak meg. Bonyolitja a helyzetet, hogy Chile, Argentina es Anglia reszben ugyanazt szeretnek. De fo az onbizalom, a terkepen mar rajta van a chilei verzio :)

Chile on the map
The first people living this land were the Mapuches who are still present in the southern part of Chile. The Spanish colony has become independent in 1818. It has 6435 kms of coastline and also one of world's driest regions, namely the Atacama Desert. But I have found it much more interesting that on every map of Chile you can see the Chilean Antarctic Territory.
The Antarctic Treaty entered into force in 1961 according to which France, Norway, the UK and Australia has territories. Further claimant nations are Argentina, Chile and New Zealand. In fact, the USA and Russia don`t recognize the claims of others. Overlapping claims of Chile, Argentina and the UK make things even more complicated. But chileans have a positive thinking so they have put their version of the story on the maps :)