Atacama sivatag

A nagy semmi kozepen megis atvag egy folyo, van egy falu is: San Pedro de Atacama. Mi is itt vertunk satrat 3 napra.
Csutortokon delutan elsetaltunk a Quitor romokhoz. Ez egy XII. szazadi erod es falu, ami gyakorlatilag sarbol keszult egy meredek hegyoldalban. A spanyolok csak nagyon nehezen tudtak bevenni. Vegul gyozott a tuzfegyver, gyorsan lefejeztek a kacikakat es leraktak egy nyitott templomot a szomszedos, kicsit magasabb hegy tetejere.
Penteken delutan biciklit bereltunk es 15 km tekeres utan megerkeztunk a Valle de Luna, vagyis a hold volgyebe. Ha volgy, akkor hegy is, es hat 2500 meteren nem olyan fitt az ember (meg a lanya), folfele mar volt, hogy csak toltuk a bicajt... De a taj tenyleg holdbeli, a szel csodalatos homokduneket alkotott. Megneztuk a naplementet, es aztan sotetben, fejlampaval tekeres vissza.
The Atacama Desert is one of the driest places on Earth, blocked from moisture on both sides by the Andes mountains and by coastal mountains. There are no plants or animals living, no glaciers, nothing. Somewhere in the middle is the village of San Pedro de Atacama.
Thursday afternoon we had a walk to the ruins of Quitor. A fortress and village was built on the this steep hill in the 12th century. They could defend themselves against the Spanish for a long time, but finally the firearms won and an openair church was built on the neighbouring hill.
On Friday we rented a bike to visit Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon). Almost there, the road turned so steep we had to push the bike. However, excercise is not that easy on 2500 m altitude. The landscape was amazing, huge sand dunes, we watched the sunset and then head back with our headlights on.
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