La Panamericana
Elindultuk eszak fele a kozel 26000 kilometeres Panamerican. Mindket iranyba 1 sav es meg kett oa homokban, vesz esetere. Az elso hosszu buszut Antofagastaba 19 oran at tartott. Ez nem is olyan veszes, mivel a busz sokkal sokkal kenyelmesebb, mint az europai jaratok. Kulonbozo kategoriak vannak, a fapados classico egy ilyen hosszu utra nem is lehetseges, ezert a legolcsobb semicama tipussal utaztunk. Ennel van 65 fokban dontheto ules, labtarto, parna es takaro es meg enni-inni is hoztak neha. Egyszer szeretnem majd kiprobalni a fekvobuszt (premium), fullhallgato, video, teljes luxus ellatas. Csak azt nem ertem, hogy ez miert nem lehetseges Europaban? Ott meg inkabb van fizetokepes kereslet. Elkuldenem a Eurolines innovacios vezetojet egy kicsi buszozgatni Del-Amerikaba...
We hit the road to the north on the Panamerica. The first long busride took 19 hours from Santiago to Antofagasta. It was so much more comfortable than European lines. The basic classico is not available for such a long ride so we chose the cheapest semicama, that means 65 degrees mobile seats, a thing to keep your feet, pillow, blanket and irregular service of food and drinks. Premium is also an option when you can turn your seat to a bed and some more services are inculded. I wonder why we don´t have this quality travel in Europe? I know where the innovation manager of Eurolines should go for the next holidays, definitely on a bus trip to South America :)
We hit the road to the north on the Panamerica. The first long busride took 19 hours from Santiago to Antofagasta. It was so much more comfortable than European lines. The basic classico is not available for such a long ride so we chose the cheapest semicama, that means 65 degrees mobile seats, a thing to keep your feet, pillow, blanket and irregular service of food and drinks. Premium is also an option when you can turn your seat to a bed and some more services are inculded. I wonder why we don´t have this quality travel in Europe? I know where the innovation manager of Eurolines should go for the next holidays, definitely on a bus trip to South America :)
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