
Wellington elsore joval elhetobb hely, mint Auckland. Kevesebb ember, azok is nagy teruleten, a partmenti hegyeken, volgyekben, oblokben. A helyi muveszetek gyujtopontja, ahol az elet nyugisan pezseg - vagy csak (pedig?) hetvege van :P Lattunk jopar erdekes szobrot az utcakon. A ket legfontosabb nevezetesseget (parlament es Te Papa muzeum) letudtuk meg tegnap delutan, ma pedig mar csak tengtunk lengtunk a cityben, ahol indiai konyhara lottunk, de bagel lett belole. Szerencsere meg elkaptuk a nyari zenei fesztival zaronapjat, ahol a vegzos jazz szakosok szorakoztattak a jonepet a botanikus kertben.
We have decided to write the posts in English too, to make our old and new non-Hungarian friends happy. So, we started hitching to Wellington on a rainy Friday morning, that made drivers feel sorry for us and finally we had a lovely direct ride with Murray. He was so nice to take us to the Mt. Victoria lookout and to a backpackers afterwards. The capital city seems very liveable at the first glance. We strolled the waterfront, visited Te Papa museum and tasted some nice bagels. Tonight we catched the jazz concert of the Academy students in the Botanical Gardens.
At 02:02,
Drew Boatman said…
Thanks for posting in English now, I'll be checking more often! See you guys this weekend sometime!
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