Jelenlegi terveink alapján, még egy hétig megy a szolo biznisz, aztán megyünk megint almázni.A magam részérol eddig is lelkesen támogattam a borászokat - foleg fogyasztással. Most meg ugyanezt teszem - csak direktben a növényekkel. Napi szinten beverek párszáz (kb. 500) szöget és átrendezem a huzalokat, amik a szolot tartják - így megfelelo magasságba kerülnek, jobban védik a növényeket a szélben.A dolog elég meditatív, magyarul monoton. Tulajdonképpen csak csinálom, de közben mégis azt csinálok, amit akarok, arra gondolok, amire akarok, bömböl a zene a fülhallgatóban, dumálgatok magammal, jól elmerenghetek, senki sem fog félbeszakítani. Néha megállok, gyönyörködöm a tájban, nézem a felhoket. Percenként valtozik. Ja, es nyugodtan dohányozhatok, nem kell kimenni az ofiszból. Azt mondják,"napszámosnak" lenni az egyik legjobban fizetett foglalkozás, legalábbis Új-Zélandon. Ennél jobban csak a birkanyírók keresnek.Egy-két év alatt szert lehet tenni a rutinra, aztán már csak mozogni kell helyrol helyre, ahogy az évszakok és szezonok váltják egymást. És mindezt lehet Európában is :P
One more week in the vinyard and than we will switch back to apples. I used to support winemakers with consumption. Now I work for them, nailing about 500 nails a day. This is a quite meditative, monotonous job. Basically, while working you can do what you want, you can think about what you want, the music is on and I can run my daydreaming conversations without anyone interrupting. Sometimes I stop to look at the hills, watching the clouds changing on the sky. Oh, and you can smoke, no need to leave the office :) Seasonal workers make the most money in NZ, sheepshavers do well too. It takes a year or two to get fit and experienced to be a good worker. Later you can follow the sun and the seasons, moving from a region to another. Guess you can do it in Europe too...
One more week in the vinyard and than we will switch back to apples. I used to support winemakers with consumption. Now I work for them, nailing about 500 nails a day. This is a quite meditative, monotonous job. Basically, while working you can do what you want, you can think about what you want, the music is on and I can run my daydreaming conversations without anyone interrupting. Sometimes I stop to look at the hills, watching the clouds changing on the sky. Oh, and you can smoke, no need to leave the office :) Seasonal workers make the most money in NZ, sheepshavers do well too. It takes a year or two to get fit and experienced to be a good worker. Later you can follow the sun and the seasons, moving from a region to another. Guess you can do it in Europe too...
At 16:57,
Névtelen said…
Ezt a megjegyzést eltávolította a blog adminisztrátora.
At 05:36,
Drew Boatman said…
Hey guys! We're in Nelson right now, staying at a place called Bridge Street Backpackers. We were able to obtain a weekly rate of 20 dollars per person per night, so not too bad. Depending on when you get here, they will probably have rooms available. Work is a different story: Katie got a job at a cafe without much trouble, but there's not a lot of picking work around right now, so I've taken a job at a temporary agency, and I've been stuck doing manual labor. If you see a sign for "boat staff needed", don't be fooled! It's really really hard, 12 hour shifts, sometimes at night. I would say you should try for Motueka, as that is prime picking territory. There are still a few vineyards and orchards near Nelson, but much more in Motueka. Anyway, we're heading through Blenheim next Saturday to get our car serviced and go to the Montana Winery, and then we're going to Kaikoura to swim with the Dolphins on Sunday. Then we're moving on to Christchurch. Give us a text or email and we'll talk to you later!
Drew and Shannon and Katie
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